Scrubs: 15 Eyebrow-Arching Plot Holes And Continuity Errors

J.D tells Turk how he met Elliot, but they met her together... In the first episode.
Scrubs: 15 Eyebrow-Arching Plot Holes And Continuity Errors

For an overall pretty zany show with what some call the worst TV doctor of all time, critics have actually called Scrubs one of the more realistic medical shows of all time.

And storyline continuity is tough enough in movies, so over a comedy show’s nine-season run, they were bound to have a sweet idea that is completely contradicted by a previous episode. It’s completely forgivable once or twice, or 15 times.

Ted’s baldness.

Ted from Scrubs

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

Eighth grade, Ted. Really?

In season 4, episode 19, “My Best Laid Plans”, Ted claims he lost his hair in 8th grade, so he was able to help his junior high girlfriend’s friend rent a car.

But in Season 1, Episode 8 “My Fifteen Minutes" Ted says that when he started as the hospitals legal counsel he still had his hair.

Ted’s girlfriend.

Ted and the Gooch

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

The one we just mentioned. And others.

After Ted meets Stephanie “The Gooch” Gooch, they become a happy couple and travel in love.

Ted says that he’s never had a girlfriend before, but in earlier seasons of the show, Ted frequently talks about his ex-wife, and even references a high-school girlfriend.

How do I know you?

J.D and Elliot

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

In season 2, J.D recalls a flashback where he tells Turk how he met Elliot, even though Turk and J.D met Elliot at the same time, when they were both hitting on her in the very first episode.

J.D shouldn’t have to move out.

J.D's apartment

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

J.D was the one who asked Turk to move into his apartment with him, but when Turk and Carla get married, they want to live their together and ask J.D to move out.

Since the apartment was J.D’s originally, it should have been Turk and Carla that moved out.

She could’ve lived.

Mrs. Tanner

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

In season 1, episode 4, “My Old Lady”, Dr. Kelso tells J.D to keep Mrs. Tanner on dialysis, and not put her on the transplant list, because she doesn't have insurance.

In the U.S., all patients who have kidney failure and are on dialysis are eligible for Medicare, which also pays for a kidney transplant.

Mrs. Tanner doesn’t want the dialysis and is ready to say goodbye, but still…

Dipping out of an exam real quick.

Drew & Lucy

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

In season 9, episode 10, “Our True Lies”, Drew and Lucy leave the exam and Drew even admits that he makes a phone call. This is against exam policies across the board, and enough for him to get a zero on the exam.

A college professor says, “During an exam, unless you have projectile vomiting, you are NEVER allowed to leave the room (especially all the members of the same study group!!).”

They did not need to wait for a transplant.

Dr. Cox

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

In season 5, episode 20, “My Lunch”, one of Dr. Cox’ patients needs a heart valve transplanted. Heart valves don't have to be transplanted from another person. They can be replaced by a metal valve, or the surgeon can create a new valve from a different part of the patient's body.

There was no reason to wait for a donor valve when they had other options available.

Mistakes the gamers noticed.

Turk Gaming

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

The season 7 episode, "My Hard Labor" sees Turk desperately attempt to finish a video game, and Carla references the game as being Halo, but it was Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (which was not even released at the time).

An even bigger error is that it takes two people to play the game, but the shot doesn’t show a split-screen, and Carla even completes it solo.

A tale of two Chiefs.

Dr. Kelso

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

Okay, I’m back now.

At the end of season 7, Dr. Cox becomes the Chief of Medicine, but in the season finale (the very next episode), "My Princess", Bob Kelso is back as Chief of Medicine.

This plot hole/continuity error is due to the writer's strike at the time, which made creator Bill Lawrence rearrange the episodes, and not fully getting to finish the season.

Turk is all of a sudden not into J.D’s love interests.

Turk's Nanny

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

Turk finds himself attracted to the nanny, so tries to get J.D to date her, claiming he is immediately unattracted to women who get involved with J.D.

But back in season 2, Turk has sex dreams about Elliot, and he clearly knows J.D had been sleeping with her on and off for the past year and a half.

Turk’s hugging.

Turk hugging J.D

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He clearly has a hugging issue.

In season 5, episode 21, “My Fallen Idol", a key plot point is that Turk has a hard time hugging guys.

In the season 3’s “My American Girl" Turk openly gives another surgeon a hug, and when Turk got back from his honeymoon with Carla, the first thing he did was run circles around the hospital so that he could hug his best friend.

Before they became doctors, Turk wouldn’t hug J.D, so he flips flops on his hug-ability.

Elliot’s sex life.


Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

Never? Really?

In "My Balancing Act," Elliot says that she has never achieved an orgasm before, but in a later episode, Elliot reveals that in college, her classmates made fun of her orgasm face.

Remembering things differently.

Turk and J.D in college

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

In season 2's "My Kingdom," J.D arrives at their dorm and introduces himself to Turk, and immediately comes across as dorky.

But in season 4, a flashback shows Turk arriving at the dorm and introducing himself to J.D, who is sitting with a wizard hat at a computer.

J.D needs medical attention.

J.D & Turk

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

There’s usin’ the old noggin.

When J.D. and Turk play basketball, the ball knocks J.D. unconscious. Instead of being concerned with J.D.’s head injury, Turk decides to lay down next to him.

Any actual doctor would know that J.D. needed medical attention. Especially when they were right outside of a hospital.

J.D’s athleticism.

J.D and sports

Doozer Productions & ABC Studios

One of J.D’s biggest character trait is a complete lack of knowledge about sports.

But in season 1, J.D makes multiple sports references, and even explains baseball to Elliot. He mentions that he went to batting cages as a kid, as well as being a gymnast.

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