The Weird Similarities Between Marvel Movies And 'Metal Gear'

Upon the release of the trailer for Marvel's Black Widow, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, the director of the upcoming Metal Gear Solid film adaptation, called out the Scarlet Johansson flick for taking way too much inspiration from the MGS series -- MGS 3 specifically.
And, as far as we, the arbiters of Hollywood - video game ripoffs are concerned, he may be onto something …
Unfortunately, successfully directing one of the most hyped adaptations of all time and having a second job as a video game sleuth might prove too hard a job for just one man. As evidenced by Vogt-Roberts' misreading of spoof articles as actual news:

So, we'll take it from here. Past the Black Widow stuff, you'll notice that the Captain America movies are seemingly a collage of the best moments from everyone's favorite tactical espionage action series – that naturally managed to remain hidden.
Both Captain America: Winter Soldier and Metal Gear Solid 2 begin with the hero on what's supposed to be a simple mission that turns out to be a coverup to one of those big-time conspiracies. Pretty standard stuff, really, but in MGS 2, this mission takes place on an oil tanker because it's a pretty good vessel to carry a gigantic robot undetected.

The mission in Winter Soldier, however, takes place on a ship that looks like the one from MGS2 because that's totally a memorable place for a film to take place in.

One of the big plot reveals is that the bad guys are trying to use an evil AI to take over the world. One of the Winter Soldier baddies chooses to show up like this …

… which is suspiciously similar to the evil Colonel AI from MGS2, who also had a pretty similar motivation.

Both AI's are located aboard a ship …

… though Winter Soldier gloriously misdirects any suspicions by having it fly.

They both suck ass crash into the city, though. The main difference being how the MGS2 devs removed the actual crash scene from the game so as to not hurt anyone still reeling from the 9/11 attacks …

… while Winter Soldier … well…

But Winter Soldier isn't done with just ripping off MGS2 and triggering PTSD. It also takes a plot point from the first game where the villain tricks the good guys into giving him the access codes to the doomsday thingamajig.
Then caps it all off with an ending where a previously thought dead eye patch-loving character shows up alive at a graveyard.


Captain America: Civil War has only one reference, really, but one so on the nose that you'll never unsee it. The final confrontation is all about Iron Man vs Captain America and the Winter Soldier, Cap's cyborg BFF, having at it in a snow-covered military facility. Bucky bravely sacrifices his arm to allow Cap to defeat Iron Man.


If you replace Iron Man with Metal Gear – a more traditionally Japanese version of the Iron Man suit -- you get the final confrontation from the original Metal Gear Solid, where Solid Snake's cyborg frenemy also loses his arm to a laser to save the hero's ass.

If you happen to be connected to the production of the MGS film in any way and found this interesting, we have but one request to make: We get to play the role of the Diarrhea Guard.

Top Image: Marvel Studios, Konami