What Paris, Gwyneth, And Other Famous Folks Are Up To Now

Trying to find the celebrity stories in the sea of political news is like trying to run through an Aztec temple without getting hit by blow darts. Fortunately, we put on our fedoras and made the run for you. Just watch out for the rolling boulder.
Source: Vanity Fair
Source: Vulture
Source: IB Times
Source: Ars Technica
Source: Medium
Source: Comic Book, Indie Wire
Source: Vanity Fair
Source: People
Source: BBC
Source: People
Source: AV Club, The Guardian, Deadline
Source: BBC
We'd like to recommend The Best of the Cranberries, if you're still feeling a bit down.
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For more check out Dr. Who, Dr. Phil And The Hollywood News YOU Need Right Now and 5 Huge Celebrity Scandals The Entire Planet Got Wrong.
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