The 15 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (11/7/17)

The news just doesn’t get any better than this. Which is kind of depressing when you think about it.
The 15 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (11/7/17)

The news just doesn't get any better than this. Which is kind of depressing when you think about it. No reasonable person can be expected to keep up with every headline while maintaining their sanity, so we have taken it upon ourselves to quickly summarize the most important and/or ridiculous headlines from the last week (or so).

PRESIDENT TRUMP WANTS TO SIGN A TAX OVERHAUL PLAN BY CHRISTMAS. He says the signing of the potential bill will be the biggest tax event in the histor

Source: The Hill

A FEDERAL JUDGE BLOCKED TRUMP'S BAN ON TRANSGENDER PEOPLE IN THE MILITARY. The judge's decision was made due to the inherent inequality in the provi

Source: CNN

FACEBOOK SAYS RUSSIAN TROLLS WERE ABLE TO REACH 126 MILLION PEOPLE. Troll farms working on behalf of the Russian government used the platform to spr

Source: CNN Money

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