This Kim Kardashian Salary Calculator Will Make You Feel Bad

This Kim Kardashian Salary Calculator Will Make You Feel Bad

There's a calculator that shows how much time it takes the Kardashians to make your yearly salary. KIM KARDASHIAN- WEST It would take Kim 0025 6h 12mi

This calculator is a great way to feel bad about yourself. According to the calculator, it takes Kim Kardashian a few hours to earn a $30,000 salary, and about a day to earn $50,000. But before you start thinking about eating the rich, consider other ways to use Kim Kardashian as a unit of measurement.

I'm just estimating here, but I figure that one Kardashian year is equal to 7 regular human years, because of her greater access to healthcare and a nutritionist. A mile is equal to 20 Kardashian miles, because she travels faster in her private jet, and looks good doing it.

We can also convert from Kardashian to Kardashian units. A Kim Kardashian (KK) is equal to roughly 2.71 Kylie Jenners (KJ). To convert Kim Kardashians (KK) to Khloe Kardashians (kk), multiply kk by 10xe to the 76th power. Anyways, stop reading this article and get back to work. In the time it's taken you to read this, Kim Kardashian earned about a thousand dollars.

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