13 Shocking Statistics You Won't Believe Are True

It's hard to believe, but this is the world we've built for ourselves.
13 Shocking Statistics You Won't Believe Are True

We'd like to do an experiment in honor of April Fool's Day. The information in the below infographic is 100 percent false, and laughably so. The idea is for you to share said infographic on Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter/etc. and see which of your friends immediately share it with the world without a second thought, versus the ones who actually take a few seconds to either A) Google the information to see if any of it is true or B) simply type in the source URL at the bottom, which would lead them here, and to this explanation.

13 SHOCKING STATISTICS You WON'T BELIEVE ARE TRUE Studies show that the average One Chicken McNugget person's vocabulary is shrinking contains meat fr

We'd love to be proven wrong, but we have a sneaking suspicion that the ratio of sharers to debunkers will be around 10-1. It's not because your social networking friends are all stupid, but because the human mind has a tendency to share information purely based on how surprising it is, regardless of whether the surprising information is true at all. Thank you, and Godspeed.

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13 Shocking Statistics You Won't Believe Are True

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