15 Insults That Left A Mark

Insults are a part of life. Whether you're at school, at work, or out with friends, somebody is bound to say something that will make you feel small. But some insults leave a mark - ones that you can't forget no matter how hard you try. Here are a few of our favorites...
Have you ever said something that you regretted immediately afterward? Maybe you called your best friend a "stupid idiot" or told your mom she was "being ridiculous" again. We've all been there. But sometimes, our insults can leave a more lasting mark than we intended. Here are three stories of times when an insult went too far and left a lasting impression.
Most of us associate great comebacks with something we concoct in the shower after being stung by someone else's words. For some, however, issuing a zing comes naturally. For the people listed below, it's an admirable art form.
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Mark Twain

Guy Fieri

Mel Brooks