15 Stories We Wish News Headlines Were Telling - [11/29]

Clearly, Ted Cruz is not a punk.
15 Stories We Wish News Headlines Were Telling - [11/29]

The news is like the bus driver from Billy Madison -- it's not pretty, can't be trusted, and yet we can't help but stop to listen to it.

Which is why every week we task our readers with uncovering the truth that the media probably isn't showing us. The winner is below, but first the runners-up ...

15 Stories We Wish News Headlines Were Telling -
15 Stories We Wish News Headlines Were Telling -
NBCNEWS HOME TOP VIDEOS DECISION 2016 MORE POLITICS NOV 18 2015. 11:36 AM ET Ted Cruz to Obama: 'Insult Me to My Face' Te 2016 ruz THU/G LIFE CRACKEDC
Nola, One Of The World's Last CRACKED OON Northern White Rhinos, Has Died Now there are just three left on the planet.
Pioneers of 'pee-cycling' tout urine's value Joel Banner Baird.Free Press Staff Writer 6:57 a.m EST November 21, 2015 138 in 13 CONNECT TWFET LINKEDO
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USATODAY SURSCRRE NOW Dad films Vegas vacation, not realizing camera was in selfie mode Go USA TODAY NETWORK Mary Bowerman USA TODAY Network 817am EST
OCBSNEWS Video US Worid Politics Entertainment Health MoneyWat HIV TESTING By ANDREA PARK CBS NEWS November 17, 2015 12:12 PM Stars react to Charlie S
News Video TV Opinions More... U.S. Edition Search ONN CN U.S. World Politics Tech Heaith Entertainment Living Travel Money Sports Watch Live TV Genet
15 Stories We Wish News Headlines Were Telling -
Ronda Rousey Returns Home With Face Hidden From Cameras on November 17.2015 in video OCorments Former UFC women's bantamweight championl has been in t
15 Stories We Wish News Headlines Were Telling -
engadget REVIEWS - FEATURES - GUDES - VIDEOS - GALLERIES - PUBLIC ACCESS GAMING - ENGADGET LIE The Marines start training Google's 160-pound robo-dog
QUARTZ LATEST GOLDEN YEARS The US government is retiring all its research chimpanzees S0O: CRACKEDCONT

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