

Well, what can I say about myself? I drink well with others. I am a devote follower of Tom Cruise and his voodoo religion. With diligence and dedication, I finally received my Phd in Sarcasm.
As I'm fairly new to freelancing, my back up plan required me to send in an application to join the cast of the ever sinking Real World.
But I'm hoping that the almighty Oprah is on my side in this new endeavor. Afterall, as far as I've heard, she does in fact rule the world.
If in the off chance Tom Cruise and Oprah fail me, I will be forced from freelancing and into plan B. I suppose I'll invest in a gun and go all Breaking Bad on bitches. But don't fret. If it comes to that, I'm going to be a friendly drug dealer with a heart of gold. I'll be all, "Hey wanna buy some pot and watch The Big Lebowski?"

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