

As an Australian, I feel I have a lot to apologise for, whether the primarily American users of this site realise it or not.

Firstly: Steve Irwin. Now, I know y'all thought he was the bee's-knees, but I need you to know THAT'S NOT HOW ALL AUSTRALIANS ARE. Just so we're clear.

Secondly: Paul Hogan. Almost as damaging to Australia's attempts to establish itself as an international political and economic power as Steve himself. While we were all busy building the value of our stocks and blindly charging headlong into whatever conflict the US President at the time thought it might be nice to have a bit of comic relief at, Paul Hogan was proclaiming that evergreen witticism 'that's not a knife...THIS is a knife.' Ah, the perrenial wisdom of a man wearing leather hotpants in one of the most homophobic places on earth. Then they had the audacity to make a freaking SEQUEL.

Finally: Vegemite. I love it. I truly do. Every morning, nothing is better than waking up and spreading a bit of the sort of generally nondescript inkiness we call vegemite onto some toast and chowing down. It's sort of like the Aussie form of Guiness (discounting, of course, Fosters...which nobody in Australia actually drinks). Only thing is, like Guiness, it's very much an acquired taste, the sort of taste you would need to beat yourself over the head with the jar to acquire. So I can completely understand why people from other countries don't like our national...food.

As for myself, the most interesting thing about me is that I fly aeroplanes. Unfortunately, it's not as exciting as it might seem because I fly them in straight lines from point A to point B with as little dicking around in between as possible. However, in a few months I should have a job as a flying instructor and life will get a whole lot more interesting. And dangerous.

Carry on then, as you were!

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