

Oh - there IS enough room for a lengthier description!

I personify most things in my house (I am not delusional, simply a wishful thinker). I am an atheist and a fantasy fiend - go figure. I love faires (both types). I lived in Korea for five years and speak the language. I worship only Monty Python. I would worship that space spaghetti thing but I keep forgetting its name. I mentioned I write? I've written a novel and two half novels. None were published despite many nibbles from the industry. Nasty, nasty industry. How it teases me! I draw, too. I love spots. I draw lots and lots of spots made into patterns and spooky/quirky/lovely/sweet/scary characters (those adjectives came from the mouths of others). I'm a tomboy but I don't reject the colour pink and I'm crazy about pretty lights. Adventure Time is the best thing that was ever put on a flat surface for me to look at (yes - I'm pretty sure it was made specifically for me).

Kidding. As I said, I'm not delusional. I'm scared of death. I want to be cryogenically frozen but am quite sure I won't have the dosh for it. I frequently wish the screen between myself and the words I type didn't exist. I feel I could somehow cheat death if that was the case. Oh, and while I'm on the subject, I love children. (Birth, death, young, old... It's all related - stay with me, now!) I think the trippy little brains of children are an amazing source of creativity and amusement. The fact their neural pathways are still wriggling like worms gives them an advantage over us older types - the advantage being that they can still invent themselves. The only problem is that they don't realise this fact. The irony, huh?

Another thing I like is rambling online. But you already know that, don't you?

P.S. My website has a weekly question (which you can answer via text or video), story about kiddies (which you can comment on as you will), and poll (which, being a poll, you can participate in). If you want to drop in, you are EVER so welcome. I'd offer you tea, only this is cyber space. www.biglittlebrains.com

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