

Hey there, I'm Sean "LuncHboxX" GU-3. I am an aspiring writer/philanthropist/cosmic superhero/hot dog eating champion/lying P.O.S. I enjoy playing video games, spewing my opinions, and helping others. Ummm.... lets see here...

I enjoy writing as a hobby, due to my complete inability to hold normal conversations outside of my head. I would love to have a reason to write more often, so I hope that becoming involved with such a prestigious organization will entice me to get off my lazy-ass and sit on my active-ass to type/write/scribe/chisel more words that I can begin to call 'my own.' (Like "fahooday", or "shimitack." Those are mine now... kindly refrain from using them without my permission. Thank you.)

You can follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/sean.guthrie.376, though I don't put much stuff up. It's been nice to meet you, I hope our second meeting goes better with you bringing some pizza and a 6-pack, until then, have a nice day.


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