

*On his third coffee.
*Sucking on his last cigarette.
*Out of gas.
*Seventeen zombies past his last green herb.
*Designing the third Death Star.
*Enough of a douche-bag to write about himself in the third person.
*Street sign reading:'Left-Silent Hill. Right-Camp Crystal Lake'.
*Commercial break.
*Alarm clock beeping.

-'What the fuck man?! Dreaming about random pop-culture shit again? Get up! The 'How I Met Your Mother' marathon is about to start! Hey, wait a minute! Why is my 'Danger Girl' poster sticky? Awww fuck you man! Fuck this, I'm moving out!

Post Script:

Author of: 'The Randomly Random Guide To Randomness' and 'The Obviously Obvious Book Of Obviousness'

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