15 Bits of Trivia That Melted Our Faces Like the Damn Ark of the Covenant

Is that a curse emblazoned on your tomb or are you just happy to see me?
15 Bits of Trivia That Melted Our Faces Like the Damn Ark of the Covenant

Ah happiness, it is both the world’s simplest and most elusive achievement. But what makes someone happy? Is it money? Is it fame? Is it chapstick? 

If you’re like me, a very brave dry lip survivor, it’s definitely the last one. However, if you are a more evolved being you know the answer is simple: it’s dumb little fun facts you read on the internet to turn off the thoughts of despair in your head. Facts like most marriages throughout history have been between cousins! Or how about the fact that whales will orchestrate murder ballets to eat Moose! Ooh what about the fact that the most nuclear part of Chernoybl is the place where first responders left their clothes (all of whom would then die within a year!)

Those facts are obviously very happy and now you are too. But don’t thank us just yet, enjoy these other facts that will make you happy forever and ever and ever! 

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