15 Awful Ways Companies Saved a Buck by Short-Changing Customers, Partners, and Employees

These companies cut so many corners, they’re practically left with spheres.
15 Awful Ways Companies Saved a Buck by Short-Changing Customers, Partners, and Employees

Ah, the beauty of modern-day capitalism! We have come so far, and yet, we still have so far to go. Companies these days are all about making money, no matter the cost. But what happens when companies cross the line, when they do something that is not only unethical, but also illegal? What happens when the companies we trust to provide us with quality products and services are found to be engaging in practices that are downright wrong? 

This list is a compilation of some of the most egregious examples of corporate wrong-doing in recent years. From PETA’s accusations of HelloFresh using monkey-picked coconuts from Thailand, to Idahoans demanding their large beer be, well, large, these stories will make you think twice about the companies you trust. 

These stories are a reminder that, while we can trust corporations to provide us with goods and services, we must always remain vigilant. We must be aware of the potential for abuse and exploitation, and speak out when we see it. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the most outrageous corporate scandals of recent years.


Tesla: Cutting corners to go the extra mile.

CRACKED TESLA: SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED Tesla cut corners making electric cars for China and Germany, omitting parts without telling buyers, to hit their targets. SPORT

Spiegel / YT 

GSK’s ‘no warning’ policy backfired.

CRACKED GLAXOSMITHKLINE HID ASTRONOMICAL SUICIDE RISK GSK got sued for not warning consumers of increased suicide risk with generic Paxil; evidence showed risk could go up by 670%. +

Reuters / Fandom 

Bad beef, bad poultry, and even worse additives.

CRACKED BRAZIL'S MEAT-PACKING INDUSTRY FED PEOPLE CARDBOARD Brazil suspended 33 officials because some meat processors sold bad beef and poultry for years, using chemicals to hide it. They even mixed potato, water and cardboard with chicken to make more money.

BBC / Reddit 

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