27 Cat Facts For Nasty Freaks Who Enjoy Reading Facts About Cats

If you click the link everyone will know you're a nasty cat fact reading freak!
27 Cat Facts For Nasty Freaks Who Enjoy Reading Facts About Cats

Busted! We've sent out the signal, revealing to your entire social circle that you're a cat fact loving freak! That's right, now everyone knows that while you're alone you love looking up interesting factoids about adorable itty bitty kitties. You love learning about their little paws and their little noses, and about why they actually purr and knead on your favorite fluffy blanket. You sick freak! 

But seriously, cats are adorable. They're sweet and affectionate, but unlike dogs they can also mostly take care of themselves. Also you don't need to take them for walks, and go to the bathroom in their own little box! What's not to like? 

Yes, I AM writing this while my own cat curls up next to me, and I'm deeply concerned she would be able to tell if I wrote anything disparaging about her or her species… So, let's just move on and enjoy the cat facts below?

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