20 Now-You-Know Facts That Got Us Keyed Up

Papers can be a lot of work. You have to make sure you use the right word, get the tense correct, and sometimes even go back and edit your whole paper. But what if you're just too lazy to do all that? Well, then you might take a page out of Jack Hetherington's book. Jack was a physicist who in 1975 co-authored a paper with his cat simply to avoid having to change every instance of “we” to “I” in the document himself – back then, he'd have to, like, manually re-type everything on a typewriter. So, wisely, he took the easy way out. But he's not the only one with that kind of creative approach to removing obstacles… US Army Captain Moffatt Burriss once tricked an ENTIRE PANZER CORPS into surrendering, by pretending that he and two other guys were there on behalf of higher powers to accept their surrender. Now THAT is efficiency.
Men’s buttons are on the right to allow access to their weapon.

The Ro-Lang

An engineer designing WWII airplane wings quit to become the first supermodel.

One proposed method of space travel involves moving the Sun through the galaxy.

The original “Goldilocks” wasn’t a young girl, but an old woman.

Mookie Betts

Air America

You can’t whisper in a moose hunter’s ear in Alaska.

The Aztecs used a weapon that struck fear in the heart of the conquistadors.

Dogs have two noses which allows for extra smelling.

When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked.

Charles Dance shares something in common with his “Game of Thrones” character.

18th century Catholics LARPed as dogs because they couldn’t be in the Freemasons.

The Lord’s Prayer was modified in 2019.

Family Video

The US Postal Service enjoyed a free show by The Postal Service.

The word placenta comes from an ancient Greek cake.

A physicist was too lazy to change “we” to “I” in a paper, so he made his car the co-author.

One US Army Captain tricked a unit of 15,000 Germans to surrender.

A dumpster is a brand name.