16 Sexy As Hell Facts About Idris Elba

He's sexy and you know it.
16 Sexy As Hell Facts About Idris Elba

Idris Elba is sexy. We all know this. There’s no debate. Even if you think he isn’t the sexiest person alive, you cannot look at the man and his work and not at least think, “Okay, yeah, he’s a bit sexy.” He somehow made Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog II sexy with just his voice alone. And that is a cartoon. Meant for children.

But even though we all know that Idris Elba is sexy, there are many things about him you probably don’t know. Like how he was a boxer and a DJ on top of being a high-quality actor, for example. See, we told you that you were missing out.

So maybe you should spend your bathroom break or downtime at work to sit down and read up on these facts about the man, the sex, the living legend we know in our current day and time as Idris Elba.

Clothing Label

Idris Elba Не has his own clothing label. In 2015 he started Superdry, which has hoodies, jeans, and other casual relaxing clothes that he can easily make look good. CRACKED.COM

In 2015 he started Superdry, which has hoodies, jeans, and other casual relaxing clothes that he can easily make look good.

Order of the British Empire

Idris Elba He's an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. PDR GOD Prince William bestowed this honor unto Elba in 2016 for his work as an actor. CRACKED.COM

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