15 Bonkers Facts That Everyone Should Know

In case you're wondering why the hell this list exists, let me explain. I enjoy this list of interesting facts quite a lot, and I think it's very good for your brain. I hope you don't mind if I give you a bit of background first. I was born in the city of Wigan in England, which is just north of Liverpool. I have one older sister and two younger brothers, which means I'm the middle child in the family. My dad used to be a butcher and my mum worked for a women's clothing shop, but now she works part-time in the kitchen of a pub. I'm 19 years old, so I'll be going to university next year. I'm also a keen atheist. I believe that God is just a fairy tale and that we're all alone in the universe, floating in a void with no meaning. Uh… enjoy the list!!
Sloppy journalism led to the creation of the Nobel Prize.

Vanity Air started as a joke but became a hit.

An Australian PM loved swimming and disappeared in the ocean.

Nearly 1,400 people died at a banquet when they thought the beer ran out.

An angel told Santana how to make his next record.

A Civil War widow lived until 2008.

The first same-sex marriage license in the US was issued 43 years ago.

Seattle sits on top of the original city from two hundred years ago.

Kris Kristofferson

A cannibal dictator lived in exile in Saudi Arabia.

The filming of ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ was not fun.

A Wisconsin village was left off of a state map, so they tried to secede.

A bad dice roll from 480 AD was recorded for all time.

A cosmonaut died in a space flight accident and requested an open casket.

A member of Austria’s parliament wanted to revoke Schwarzenegger’s citizenship.