25 Totally Bonkers News Headlines That Made Us Wince

There was once a very strange man who lived by himself in a cave near a large lake. One day, he saw an old woman carrying a large basket full of dirt. When the old woman asked him where she could dump her load, he said, “Over there, on the bank of the lake.” The old woman was puzzled, but she complied and dumped her load of soil on the shore of the lake. As she went back into the forest to fetch more soil, she heard the sound of a horse whinnying in the distance. She looked around, and found the horse standing on a rock, eating a piece of turf from the shore of the lake. When she asked the man how the horse had gotten there, he replied, “The same way I did. When you came here, I dug a hole under the lake, and jumped in. The water filled my hole and carried me to this place.”
The old woman returned to the cave to enjoy this list of odd facts. She decided not to tell anyone about them, as they might think that she was mad.
Balenciaga's 'full destroyed' sneakers listed for $1,850.

1,369 people don vampire costumes for Guinness World Record in England.

Jumping worms, the evil twin of earthworms, showing up in California.

Former cook gets 10 years in prison for fishy scheme involving theft of $830K worth of lobster, shrimp and ribeye.

Taco Bell May Stop Selling Mexican Pizza Next Week

Taiwanese people stuck with the name ‘Salmon’ after sushi promotion.

Semitrailer crash outside Pittsburgh dumps more than seven tons of hot dog filler onto highway.

Guns are banned during Trump's speech at the NRA conference this week.

North Korea Begins 'Immortal Potion of Love' Covid Vaccine Program.

Man disguised as elderly woman attacks Mona Lisa with cake.

Strippers can apparently better forecast the market than your finance bro.

Forest Service says it started New Mexico’s largest wildfire.

Lion in China zoo turns heads for sporting bangs, goes viral as keepers deny giving it a haircut.

Weezer asked Metallica fans for advice on putting setlists together.

“Tough to forge” digital driver’s license is… easy to forge.

Wayne County Man Arrested for Too Many Wildlife Feeders.

Auckland police uncover they were burgled after own stuff found in search.

Car insurance firms use loopholes to keep costs high for loyal customers.

Begun, the superpig war has.

The verdict is in: “How to Murder Your Husband” author is guilty.

Finland MP calls for boycott of Turkish kebabs, approves Kurdish kebabs

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Mandatory Vasectomies

TikTok pediatricians urge people to stop sharing 'dangerous' DIY baby formula recipes on social media.

Police didn't immediately confront the gunman as the Texas school shooting unfolded because they 'could've been shot.'