13 Weirdest Host/Musical Guest Combos In SNL History

Come on and slam now/You're contagious
13 Weirdest Host/Musical Guest Combos In SNL History

The booking of both a host and a musical guest for Saturday Night Live is, on its surface, simply a necessity. Occasionally, however, the two choices can form a beautiful diptych, a contrast that both illustrates the divide and runs a strand between two wholly disparate cultures and worlds. Here are 13 of those.

Paul Giamatti and Ludacris (1/22/2005)

Paul Giamatti/ Ludacris LUDACRIS WORDOR MOUF CRACKED.co PARENTAL Audio of Paul Giamatti's sweet, sweet squawk introducing Ludacris (featuring Sum 41, no less) should be buried in a time capsule for the future to enjoy.

George Foreman and Hole (12/17/1994)

George Foreman/ Hole CRACKED.COM Boxer George Foreman and Courtney Love have very little in common, other than being highly familiar with shots to the head.

Steve Forbes and Rage Against The Machine (4/13/1996)

Steve Forbes/ Rage Against The Machine CRACKED.com You have to think the writers had a hand in, or at least a laugh about, having Rage Against The Machine intro'd by... the machine.

Charles Barkley and Nirvana (9/25/1993)

Charles Barkley/ Nirvana TV GRACKED.COM Though to be honest, Barkley's experience fighting for rebounds would be right at home throwing elbows in a mosh pit.

Alec Baldwin and P.O.D. (4/20/2002)

Alec Baldwin/ P.O.D. PAD. CRACKED.co If Alec Baldwin heard his kids listening to P.O.D., he'd lock the CD in a tall cabinet. Congrats to P.O.D. for making Christian rock that even parents hate.

Sylvester Stallone and Jamiroquai (9/27/1997)

Sylvester Stallone/ Jamiroquai CRACKED.com A collaboration between an actor famous for punching and a man wearing the kind of hats that demand an ass-whooping.

J.K. Simmons and D'Angelo (1/31/2015)

J.K. Simmons/ D'Angelo D'ANGELO PARENTAL ADVISORY CRACKED.com I EXPLICIT CONTENT The level of desire women felt for D'Angelo during this era was matched only by J. Jonah Jameson's desire for pictures of Spider-Man.

Helen Mirren and Foo Fighters (4/9/2011)

Helen Mirren/ Foo Fighters CRACKED.COM Just imagine Helen Mirren nodding politely along, saying, Ah, I see. So the 'monkey wrench' is you, figuratively, in this situation.

Mel Gibson and Living Colour (4/1/1989)

Mel Gibson/ Living Colour CRACKED.com Living Colour are famous African-American recording artists. Mel Gibson famously made a colorful recording about African-Americans.

Eli Manning and Rihanna (5/5/2012)

Eli Manning/ Rihanna Rihanna looks like she climbed Mount Olympus and taught the gods how to fuck. Eli Manning looks like his Gatorade bottle is filled with paste.

Helen Hunt and Snoop Dogg (3/19/1994)

Helen Hunt/ Snoop Dogg R88770846 CRACKED COM Keep in mind, this is Ain't No Fun If The Homies Can't Have None Snoop Dogg, not Muffins with Martha Stewart Snoop Dogg.

Tom Hanks and Sade (12/14/1985)

Tom Hanks/ Sade sade love deluxe CRACKED .COM For everyone wondering what it would sound like if Woody from Toy Story recorded the intro to a sex playlist.

Al Gore and Phish (12/14/2002)

AI Gore/ Phish CRACKED COM It sorta makes sense, since whenever you hear either, you think oh my god, when will this be over and then you find out they're only halfway done.
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