How 22 Countries Would Behave As Party Guests

‘Nobody noticed that Malta showed up’
How 22 Countries Would Behave As Party Guests

You have to admit, the idea of cordoning off all the land on Earth into different countries hasn’t gone amazingly. We’re no experts on geopolitics, nor are we big fans of the song “Kumbaya,” so we’re sure there’s probably a good reason to have borders, but sometimes it does feel like they cause more trouble than they’re worth. Everyone’s always invading or warring or making fun of each other’s food. Can’t we all just get along?

In fact, have you ever wondered what that would look like, if all the different countries of the world were one big group of friends? It might be more peaceful, but think of the drama. It would be just like Seinfeld, with everyone bringing their own little quirks to the table, up to and including diverse opinions about manners and dancing.

What’s that? You’ve never wondered about that, even once? Well, user Savalonavic has. They asked r/AskReddit, “Let’s pretend each country in the world is a guest at a party. What are they doing at the party?”

Their fellow Redditors definitely didn’t have any issues coming up with party games, that’s for sure. 

DeltaWarZA 2y ago We all know what Colombia is bringing to the table
snowletterH 2y ago Nobody noticed that Malta showed up
FromEasternEurope01 2y ago Romania is explaining to everyone that we don't have vampires.
STAT DrakeMarcoC 2y ago Italy flirting with everything that breathes
PhysicalPolicy6227 2y ago France is outside smoking cigarettes
onceiwasafairy 2y ago Edited 2y ago Switzerland collecting business cards from everyone inconspicuously
tangiblecabbage 2y ago Spain hasn't even left home yet, but has told everyone they are on the way.
Horror-Journalist-68 2y ago The Philippines already bringing out their bags and getting food to go.
nitroviper97 2y ago Portugal is complaining about the foreign food and that they could've eaten better in the Tasco do Zé for cheaper.
Ballsahoy72 2y ago Canada is telling everyone which actors are Canadian
Hayesey88 2y ago USA and Australia being louder than everybody else.
NefariouslyHot666 . 2y ago Russia is competing with the US for attention and stealing people's drinks.
tfeetfff 2y ago South Korea is playing k-pop on the radio with Japan dancing to it behind them.
babyVSbear 2y ago North Korea is in a treehouse a block away trying to watch the party with binoculars that are just two empty paper towel rolls taped together
 2y ago Germany is the next door neighbor. We came over to complain about the noise, printed copy of the HOA rules and regulations in hand.
Meior 2y ago Sweden is either looking anxiously at their watch, wondering when it's socially acceptable to go home, or the drunkest person at the party. No in between.
noot_operator 2y ago Finland has drank themselves to the point where social awkwardness has been replaced with an urgent need to tell everyone about all the times they beat Sweden in ice hockey
HerlufAlumna 2y ago Denmark brought beer, and a weird syrupy liquorice spirit that no one but Finnland is willing to try.
ConanOToole 2y ago Ireland is having their first pint of Guinness and everyone is already making fun of them for their 'drinking problem'
IssaJokeHoney 2y ago Morocco, drinking mint tea somewhere it can't be seen.
 2y ago Edited 2y ago Netherlands is making sure everyone has paid their share in expenses by sending out venmo's.
Kaiser93 2y ago The party is going great until the Balkan countries arrive. Then all hell breaks loose.


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