11 Mythbusting Moments Necessary Because of Daytime TV

Ah, the world of daytime television. It's a place where dreams are made, stars are born, and lies are told. It's a place where you can find everything from the latest health advice to the newest reality show. It's a place where you can get a glimpse into the lives of the rich and famous, and the not-so-rich and famous. It's a place where you can be entertained, informed, and sometimes, misled.
In this list, we'll explore twelve lies that have come from daytime television shows. From Steve Harvey's promotion of CBD gummies to help with erectile dysfunction, to the truth behind 'Judge Judy", to the lies behind 'Shark Week", these lies have been told and retold, and have become a part of the fabric of daytime television.
So, if you're looking for a good laugh, or just want to know the truth behind some of your favorite shows, then this list is for you. Enjoy.
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Risky Business.

Dreams of fame, fortune, and free trips to LA.

Rick denies it all.

Shark Week

Ja Rule: Party foul.

Bargain hunting at its finest.

Reality? Not so much.

Fake show.

Law-abiding moonshiners.

Cash Cab

Vanity Prize.