A New Biopic That Asks: Did Wikipedia Murder Ted Kennedy?

A New Biopic That Asks: Did Wikipedia Murder Ted Kennedy?
Like anyone else who writes for the internet, I hate writing for the internet. That's why, when the famous Hollywood producer emailed me about writing a screenplay for him, I jumped at the chance. The pitch, as he described it, was a biopic of the recently late Ted Kennedy, as modern audiences are just obsessed with biopics. He had a whole bunch of plans for making Teddy into this tragic, misunderstood character, left alone to carry the burden of his family's legacy on his shoulders amidst tragedy and, eventually, public ridicule. Really show what a selfless hero he truly was. I had my own ideas and, when I sent him the screenplay, (about a day and a half after he pitched it, thanks very much), we had some disagreements. What follows is our email chain regarding these disagreements.

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