The fame that comes with being a Cracked blogger has its pros and cons. I can always get a reservation at fancy restaurants, I get into all the most exclusive night clubs, and thousands of women email me pictures of their junk on a daily basis. That's great and all, and yeah, I'm filthy rich and everything, but it's not all cash and clubbing and ill-lit close-up jpgs; the schedule can be exhausting, the gossip mags say the nastiest things, and I can barely walk down the street anymore without a dozen women throwing themselves at my feet. It can get to be a little much sometimes, but hey
This gig is my Different Strokes
(Gladstone is Willis, Swaim is Kimberly, and Daniel O'Brien is the maid). That being said, what's going to happen to us when it's over? Swaim will end up doing porn and OD'ing (but we all knew that was going to happen anyway), and Gladstone will knock out Vanilla Ice on Celebrity Boxing, but what about me?! Will I be making diaper rash cream commercials and making fun of myself on any show that will take me? Will I run for Governor and get 14,242 votes? Perhaps most importantly, will I end up on Divorce Court with my beastly ginger wife and talk about my inability to get an erection on national television? Is that's what's going to happen to me?!
How much money could Gary Coleman have possibly received to appear on this show, and at what price does it actually become worth it to tell the world you're packing a limp noodle? My guess is that he got paid $10,000 for this. Times must be rough for Gary Coleman.
You know what he should probably do with that money? Go to community college and get an associate's degree. Something practical. Data processing, or maybe stenography or something. Anything to get this guy a steady paycheck and some dignity. Seriously, Gary - get it together.