No HBN Today.

No HBN Today.
Hi, blogging to you from my Mac again because apparently Back To School season is a bad time to buy a laptop online and expect to receive it in a prompt fashion. To recap, my HBN supercomputer fell to pieces.  My blogging software is not compatible with my other computer - a Mac.  Accordingly, there is no HBN this week.  "But G-Stone," you ask. "Can't Cracked just FedEX you one from it's large empire?"  To you I reply, "Have you been listening? We're talking about a company that STILL hasn't supplied me with my requested scantily-clad HBN assistants." Seriously. I have no idea how they expect me to work without them. So I'm sorry. No HBN today.  And possibly no HBN next week unless that new computer comes in the mail. I know it's disappointing. Unless you're one of those that think I suck. Then today can be viewed as kind of a national holiday. In the meantime, if you don't think I suck then why not become my Facebook friend
and tell me just how much i've disappointed you?  And by that I mean send me dirty pictures. There is also something of an ahem "fan club" that I did not start, but which is presently filled with 25 of the smartes, sexiest, most beautiful people you've ever seen. And you can join that too. And by join that I mean send me dirty pictures.
Gladstone wants to be your special friend. Check out some more of his stuff HERE and OVER HERE and HERE TOO.
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