Bill Maher Claims That He Was Once Drugged by an Irate Fan

Bill Maher has made a number of surprising statements on his Club Random over the years, from extolling the cinematic excellence of Jerry Seinfeld’s Bee Movie, to suggesting that kids shouldn’t Google “climate change” because it could lead them to viewing porn. But on this week’s episode, Maher casually dropped one of the most unexpected anecdotes in the entire history of his YouTube show/man-cave therapy sessions.
During his chat with guest Jay Pharoah, Maher and the former Saturday Night Live cast member discussed assorted topics ranging from Trump impressions, to Cheryl Hines being blamed for RFK Jr.’s nonsense, to the time Pharoah was wrongfully detained by racist cops.
Pharaoh also told Maher that, although he typically stayed away from hard drugs, a friend once slipped six doses of Molly into his champagne. Instead of asking literally any follow-up questions, like one would assume most interviewers would, Maher instead blurted out: “You know, I got roofied once.”
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Following an ad break (because what brand wouldn’t want to be associated with this top-tier content), Maher went on to explain exactly what happened. “I was at a bar. This is about the year 2000. Again, I’m 44. I shouldn’t even be in a bar, but fuck it. You know what, some of us grow up late, or, if you’re lucky, not at all.”
He then described how he lost time that night, and had no memory of leaving the bar and traveling back to his house with a female companion, although he doesn’t suspect that she was the one who roofied him. “I don’t think she did it,” Maher recalled. “She seemed to be in a very good mood the next morning, so nothing bad happened, but there was like a four-hour period where I don’t remember anything.”
Maher’s theory? A date rapist who didn’t care for Politically Incorrect called an audible at the bar and slipped something in his drink out of spite. “You could see like a million people. I think some guy was there, and there was no girl he wanted to do” — and by “do,” presumably Maher means “sexually assault” — “but he saw me and hated me from television. Bill Maher from television, who’s very popular and also hated by a lot of people. And he thought, ‘Oh, I’ll fuck this guy up.’ That’s just a theory.”
Instances of date rape are tragically frequent in the U.S., worse even than statistics would indicate because so many cases go unreported. So it’s entirely possible that Maher’s account of events is accurate.
While we may never know exactly what happened to the Real Time host that night, it’s almost impressive that he managed to work a brag about how “popular” he is into a story about how someone hated him enough to drug his cocktail.
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