Uh, Maybe Don't Listen To The Demon Sperm Lady

Before conservative Americans start declaring themselves Immanuelsexuals, they might wanna look into what else she believes.
Uh, Maybe Don't Listen To The Demon Sperm Lady

At this point, it seems like certain factions of conservative Americans will do just about anything to avoid following medical experts' advice to stop the spread of COVID-19, including inventing their own medical experts, apparently. This week, Trump et al. gleefully signal boosted a video of a Houston-area doctor named Stella Immanuel claiming she had cured COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine, the malaria drug that initially sparked interest among scientists but has since proven ineffective against the virus at best and dangerous at worst. Trumpists have desperately clung to the drug's potential to free them from the nightmare of constantly smelling their own breath, so they were naturally excited to have some semblance of medical support, but before they start declaring themselves Immanuelsexuals, they might wanna look into what else she believes.

It turns out that Immanuel is a minister in addition to a registered physician, and she loves mixing her pseudoscience with her God. This whole hydroxychloroquine business is actually her tamest medical proclamation. In a series of sermons recorded for YouTube going all the way back to 2013, she's claimed that scientists use alien DNA to treat people with vague illnesses, they've isolated a gene that causes religiousness and developed a vaccine for it (a startling misunderstanding of both genes and vaccines), and most sexual disorders are caused by "evil deposits from the spirit husband" after having sex with demons in dreams, so that's why "demon sperm" is trending on your social media feed.

Now you know. She's also one of those "lizard people" people, which is disappointingly pedestrian compared to ET gene therapy.

You might be wondering how a person who not only advocates against vaccination but specifically because of the religious gene hasn't had their medical license ceremonially burned, but according to the good doctor, a bunch of big meanies are trying to do just that. You'd think someone would have gotten that ball rolling as soon as she started recommending dream exorcisms as a treatment for endometriosis, but apparently, the people trying to pull her away from the microphone at the end of that video were just trying to save her from herself. It got about 13 million views before Facebook and Twitter removed it from their platforms, after which Immanuel threatened them with the literal wrath of God, insisting their servers would break down if they didn't restore it. If that doesn't happen, then we'll know she's full of it.

Top image: Gage Skidmore/Flickr, Dr. Stella Immanuel/YouTube

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