

MeanMrMunson has stared fear in the face and laughed angrily at it. Then got his ass kicked, partially by the fear and mostly from the right hook. Some have called him different, maybe even disgusting, and everyone thinks he is a total deadbeat, but hasn't stopped him yet. He has no conscience, and no reason to believe most of the things that people tell him. He once beat the most interesting man in the world in a thumbwrestling contest, but later found out it wasn't that guy, but his body double.

He has walked to the end of the block and back, time and time again.

MeanMrMunson has a certain knack for failure in all of its forms, shapes, sizes, density, and a lack of overall emotional fortitude due to "The Munson Gene".

Sometimes crude, most of the time vulgar, but always visionary, MeanMrMunson does what he has to. Which is most of the time, nothing.

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