19 Quirky Differences Around The World

Pretty much everything you take for granted is completely different, somewhere else.
19 Quirky Differences Around The World

You might think that people in small towns live in quaint little bubbles, but the fact is, we all do. And you don't realize how quirky your little corner of the world is, until you travel to other places. And it's not just that fries are chips and chips are crisps. It's everything.

For example …

California has outlawed Ladies' Nights. OREGON Cerw Pramnd loie SA OReno CARSON CRCY Santa Roso 1ENTO WNEVADA Sar Franciscoo OSglindis oFrosno PACIFIC
As an American, It's not, at you could mistake least not in this gesture for a Britain and peace sign. Australia. If the palm is facing inward, it mea
CRACKED COM IN Bulgaria, people nod to mean no and shake their heads to mean yes. I NO YES
While the rest of the world takes cars for granted, that means of transportation GRAUGN isn't allowed on Mackinac Island, Michigan. People there use b
CRACKED.COM Openly carrying a firearm in California is prohibited, However in the neighboring states of Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona it's totally fine.
Tim My visiting Dutch relatives Houlons were aghast. hearing of I7-yr old me ALWAYS FRESH hanging out at coffee a shop. DRIVE THRU TEre Hortons CRACK
irthday CRACKED COM Girl The Queen's birthday is a public holiday in Australia and New Zealand, but not in England!
In Australia and New Zealand, you will be understood if you order a hamburger with the works (or the lot), but make sure you understand you're ask
Innsbruck Linere Reutte Obersteof FOss y-Matelbero Somthalen CY oD When driving on the German Autobahn, make sure you don't run out of fuel. A fine is
In the north of England, the midday meal is called dinner, and the large 5 PM meal is called tea. The same meal is called teahere and dinner h
19 Quirky Differences Around The World
CRACKED co Louisiana is divided into counties, just like any other state, But t'hey refer to them as PARISHES. The original borders were not marked ve
While you're enjoying your Egg McMuffin from McDonald's breakfast menu, other countries are eating... B HONG KONG Twisty pasta with veggies and egg...
SWIMMERS TOGS BATHERS SWIMMING COSTUME SWIMMERS/ COSSIES BATHING, SUT SWIMWEAR is called different things depending on which region you are in Austral
Ethiopia follows a calendar that is seven years behind 3M1 the rest Of the world. CRACKED COM
19 Quirky Differences Around The World
In Canada eleatricity is commonly known as ocHydroo. CRACKEDCON
As a punishment, the state ofOhio requires DUI (driving under the influence) offenders to use a unique bright yellow license plate. DHIO 000000 CRACKE
19 Quirky Differences Around The World
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