26 Dealbreakers That Are An Instant Unfriend/Unfollow

26 Dealbreakers That Are An Instant Unfriend/Unfollow

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Everyone's online now. It's literally the way we interact, now. And because of that, we've all had to evolve our own systems of filtering out people we don't want to deal with. So we asked our readers to come up with their short list of red flags, when it comes to surfing the onslaught of internet friend requests.

Entry by Sonny Time

I'm not following you for status updates about your followers. I Love Followers Following @lovefollowers I just got a new follower. #followme Will you

Entry by Jungling

We may both have the same uncommon last name... ...but don't send me a friend request unless we've actually met in person.

Entry by

If you keep sending me game invites so you can get yourself some bonus points or extra turns or whatever... :: Lithhe Moe with the gimpy leg and 17oth

Entry by Ashebox

26 Dealbreakers That Are An Instant Unfriend/Unfollow
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