20 Awful Attempts To Make Advertisements Sexy

20 Awful Attempts To Make Advertisements Sexy

Some things just weren't meant to be sexy. But dammit, that didn't stop these people from trying. And wouldn't you know it? They proved that, yes, there are some things you just can't add a sexual twist to.

For example ...

Entry by AM Smiley

PETA super doesn't want you to wear fur. So they photographed a model with a fright wig in her panties. The slogan was don't ruin your look with fur

Entry by AM Smiley

The Mayhew Animal Home wanted people to fix their pets. ANT PUSSY? Wild Thing!! Tomcat with RAGING HORMO1 pupreprfect Who Knows lover Where I've Been?

Entry by AM Smiley

Metal Gear Solid V could have put clothes on Quiet the sniper. Instead, her creator made up an insane condition. Quiet goes around dressed in panties,

Entry by AM Smiley

StopAIDS! is a Japanese charity to raise AIDS awareness. And they raised funds by selling feel-ups. The fundraising event, which translated roughly to
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