21 Historical Figures Everybody Gets Wrong

21 Historical Figures Everybody Gets Wrong

If you haven't figured it out by now, pretty much everything you've ever learned has been a bold faced lie. Why? We couldn't tell you, but we can correct you so you'll look like a smart person again.

So allow us to fix some misconceptions you likely have about some very famous figures.

Entry by AM Smiley

Abraham Lincoln was soft-spoken and dignified. And he was also a ridiculous badass. Lincoln was known to haul crates of stones weighing over 1,000 pou

Entry by AM Smiley

Iron Eyes Cody was the tortured face of Native American sadness. But he was Sicilian. Children of the '70s and'8Os probably remember the series of PSA

Entry by AM Smiley

Mrs. O'Leary is remembered for causing the Great Chicago Fire. FN But she was innocent. And SO was her cow. Despite all the campfire songs to the cont

Entry by AM Smiley

One of history's worst-kept secrets: J. Edgar Hoover was a transvestite. Which is unfortunate, because it isn't true. FBI Director John Edgar Hoover's

AuntieMeme may or may not have a Diablo addiction that she may or may not talk about on Facebook.

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