Groups That Are Getting Pummeled Right Now

Groups That Are Getting Pummeled Right Now

PSA: Be safe, stay home, and stay informed. -Ed

The current pandemic is "the great equalizer," celebrities love to bleat. Actually, no, it really isn't. It's more like the great divider, because fighting it is infinitely easier when you have money and privilege by the bucketful. But if you're already facing severe disadvantages, well, all this is probably just multiplying them, in ways someone outside your group probably wouldn't expect.

Take a look:

/1.4ot 042485 U240115 Gay and bi men still can't donate blood (despite the huge shortage). Even though the FDA softened its ban on blood donations fro
Source: VICE

LGBTQ Americans are more likely to be in financial trouble.. They're 36% more likely than the general public to have lost work due to lockdown measure
Source: VICE
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