16 Characters That Sure Seem Like Ripoffs

It's become commonplace nowadays for the unwashed masses to scream at Hollywood about regurgitating the same concepts over and over again. But this is nothing new -- Tinsel Town has been ripping itself off for years, and most likely on purpose because that's what kind of bastards those guys are.
There's an apocryphal quote often attributed to T.S. Eliot: “good authors borrow; great offers steal.” We're not looking up whether that quote is real or whether Eliot said it. We're just nerdy nerdy enough to have heard of both T.S. Eliot and that quote, but not nerdy enough to actually Google the truth. We've got pristine, undorky search histories to preserve, like “did Spike TV's Deadliest Warrior ever do a breakdown of Alien vs. Predator?” (The answer is sadly no). Anyway, back to ripoffs!
Our readers put together a list of characters that are clear ripoffs of their predecessors, whether they want to admit it or not. Winner got $200 ...