15 Quick Charts To Help You Troubleshoot Daily Life

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Everyone's day-to-day is filled with struggle. And by that we mean, even the sharpest of us get tripped up by some menial bullshit as we try to make it through the day unscathed.

So, in an effort to help out our fellow humans and fulfill our court-ordered mandate, consider these helpful graphs our public service to you.

Entry by Melidy

POPPING A PIMPLE/BLACKHEAD Does it have g head? Yes No Is it swollen? PES OF ACNE PIMPLES Yes No 1 Pop it! stop picking your face! Did something come

Entry by Danzy

CRACKED.COM SHOULD I ACCEPT REALITY? Are you happy? YES NO Do you have a loving family? YES NO Good job? YES NO Has medication worked? YES NO ACCEPT E

Entry by Danzy

is that M ME a SERIAL or KILLER? a Is he wearing face paint or a mask? Yes No Is he following you? Yes No Is he acting strange? Yes No Does he have a

Entry by deathpod

ARE you GoIG TO BE LATE? YES no Do you really need to shower today... YES no Do you care? YES no Don't lie. Snooze N CRACKED.COM

Aside from our photoplasties ($100 per contest), we are paying out 10 winners for our pictofact contests. And YES, you can win all 10 spots ($350 payout) if you've got the skills to blow our minds that many times.

Got your own ideas for contest prompts? We'd love to see them!

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