Cracked Photoplasty

Cracked Photoplasty
What Campaign Ads Would Look Like If the Voting Age Was 6

What Campaign Ads Would Look Like If the Voting Age Was 6

At some point in the next 38 days, you're going to watch a campaign ad and ask yourself if these things could get any more stupid and immature. We decided to find out. What would the ads look like if they had to target 13 year-old girls? Or 10 year old boys? Or first-graders? How would they reach these new, powerful demographics?

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15 Ways They Could Get People to Actually Watch TV Again

Our generation spends more time on the internet and gaming then they do just about everything else. Hell, you're probably on the internet right now. As a result, ratings are down all over, so the question is, what would the networks have to do to get us to watch again? Some ideas, courtesy of the generation they're losing.

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