31 Unexpected Facts About Holiday Traditions

31 Unexpected Facts About Holiday Traditions

There are certain things that are expected during the holiday season — spending time with family, giving and receiving gifts and taking part in festive traditions. But what most people don’t know is that many of these traditions have unexpected origins. For example, did you know that the Christmas tree was originally brought to America by Germans? More on that and the genesis of a bunch of other holiday traditions below…

Decorating Christmas Trees CRACKED.COM The Christmas tree originated in Germany in the Middle Ages. A guild decorated a tree with apples and tinsel in 1419. Additionally, evergreen firs decorated with apples wre used to celebrate the feast day of Adam and Eve.


Santa's reindeer were named Dunder and Blixem H SHAMARHA ALAFEL ADE RAB CAR H OOTHIES EBANESE CUISINE AR KIDE CAR The original version of the 1821 poem A Visit from Saint Nicholas originally had the names as Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!/On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Dunder and Blixem! Reprints included Donner and Blitzen instead, and it stuck over time. CRACKED.COM



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