35 Fascinating — And Kinda Terrifying — Facts About Animals

35 Fascinating — And Kinda Terrifying — Facts About Animals

Mother Nature sure can be cruel. Not only do we have to worry about the ugly and dangerous-looking animals but the cute ones are also actually pretty terrifying and gross as well. Here are 35 animals that will send chills down your spine…

MALE DOLPHINS WILL MURDER BABY DOLPHINS IN ORDER TO MATE WITH THE MOTHER. A new mother is unavailable for mating for years while she cares for her young. CRACKED.COM


Meerkats CRACKED.COM Hakuna Matata? Not likely. In meerkat society, the group alpha will kill nursing pups and use that mother as a wet nurse to her own young.


AN AFRICAN CRESTED RAT'S FUR IS SO POISONOUS IT COULD TAKE DOWN AN ELEPHANT These rabbit-sized puffballs chew poisonous trees' bark and lick the toxins into their fur. CRACKED.COM


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