What's the Deal: Ranked Choice Voting

What's the Deal: Ranked Choice Voting

What's The Deal is back to provide the pop-up book equivalent of reading a bunch of articles that make your brain hurt. This week, we cover ranked choice voting.

WHAT'S THE DEAL: RANKED CHOICE VOTING Ranked Choice Voting V. O T E 4 1 1 1 CRACKED.CO COM Lately, you may have been hearing a lot about a new method of voting. One that's been a suggested for some time but only recently receiving high-profile use: ranked choice voting.

WHAT'S THE DEAL: RANKED CHOICE VOTING What's the Difference? CRACKED .COM Ranked choice voting is an alternative to traditional voting (where one selection is made) that allows voters to choose multiple candidates, and rank them in order of their preference.

WHAT'S THE DEAL: RANKED CHOICE VOTING Why's It Relevant Now? GRACKEDGO COM The current New York City mayoral race is notable for two things: videos of Andrew Yang twirling in bodegas and being one of the highest-profile usages of ranked choice voting yet.

WHAT'S THE DEAL: RANKED CHOICE VOTING How Does It Work? Instructions to Voters Governor To cho vote, fill in the oval like this Choice Choice Choice 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Choice To rank your candidate choices, fill Fredette, Kenneth Wade Newport in the oval: Mason, Garrett Paul Lisbon In the 1st column for your 1st Mayhew, Mary C choice candidate. China Moody, Shawn H. 0 Gorham In the 2nd column for your 2nd candidate, Write-in choice and so on. Continue until you have ranked as many or as few candidates as you like. GRACKED.COM As far as the ballot, pretty much how you'd expect.

WHAT'S THE DEAL: RANKED CHOICE VOTING I Have To Choose 5? Moody, Sha Gorham In the 2nd column for your 2nd Write-in choice candidate, Continue until you have ranked as many or as few candidates as you like. them one oval for each candidate or column. CRACKED.CO candidate write Don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of ird-party candidates? You can rank as few as you like. That way you don't end up accidentally saying some guy who believes in jew space lasers is your 3rd favorite

WHAT'S THE DEAL: RANKED CHOICE VOTING That Sounds Specific. CRACKED.COM Well, yeah. But there's broader reasons as well: ranked choice voting also helps if you're choosing between two similarly polling candidates, and it eliminates the cost and mess of run-offs (like lower turnout.)

Source: Quartz

WHAT'S THE DEAL: RANKED CHOICE VOTING Will We See More Of It? Ralph Nader for Presid + WV org CRACKED COM That remains to be seen. There's plenty of advantages to ranked choice voting. However, bringing up voting reform in US politics usually goes about as well as bringing up Episode 1 to Star Wars fans.
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