37 Artful Instances of Foreshadowing That Completely Change Your Experience During a Re-Watch
Some huge plot twists wouldn’t have been so shocking if you just paid attention!

There’s always a small part of us that wants to give a spoiler alert before a list like this. But in this case, you really should’ve seen these huge TV and movie moments coming. Every spoiler here is a lesson learned the hard way.
Maybe next time you’ll be a little more eagle-eyed when it comes to foreshadowing.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Star Wars

Back to the Future

Star Trek

Guardians of the Galaxy

Batman Returns


Monsters, Inc.

The Big Lebowski


Captain America

Bronn and The Mountain

The Good Place

Jurassic Park

Breaking Bad

The Incredibles

Game of Thrones

The Simpsons

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse

The Virgin Suicides

Back to the Future II



Doctor Who


Men in Black

Total Recall

Captain Marvel

The Matrix Reloaded



Willy’s Wonderland

Shaun of the Dead

Ready or Not

It Follows

Get Out