20 Commercials That Have Been Stuck in People’s Heads for Years

For better or worse, the streaming era ushered in the end of the commercial jingle. They’re not totally extinct — a particularly obnoxious YouTube clip that normally only airs in the middle of the night on basic cable occasionally goes viral on social media — but for the most part, they’re relegated to the cheapest tiers of streaming service plans, the ones that not even the lowest paid among us suffer through.
It wasn’t that long ago, however, that staying home sick from school meant hours of daytime TV, between which we were assaulted by earworms targeted at people with bad credit, worse taste and the overall inability to remember anything that doesn’t rhyme.
We’re still kicking, and sometimes, we’re still kicking along to a snatch of music we haven’t heard in 30 years. That’s why user pharmdoll asked r/AskReddit, “After many years, what commercial still lives rent free in your head?”