Movies & TV

6 Stupid Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)
All the lessons about guns you've learned from movies are wrong. That's right: Hollywood wants you dead.
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- By Robert Evans
- Published
If Hunger Games Was 10 Times Shorter and 100 Percent Honest
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- By The Editing Room
- Published
7 Artists Who Secretly Made Your Favorite Movies
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- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
5 Iconic Pop Culture Moments Improvised at the Last Second
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- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
7 Ridiculously Outdated Assumptions Every Movie Makes
No teenager still owns a stack of skin magazines, unless that teenager insists on living an ironic 1985-lifestyle.
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- By C. Coville
- Published
The 7 Biggest Dick Moves in the History of Superheroes
Old-time comics may be less violent and explicit than current ones, but that doesn't mean the heroes weren't sometimes colossal dicks while they saved the universe. If you don't believe us, let us tell you all about it.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok, Diana McCallum
- Published
6 Unlikely Friendships in Movies (That Make No Damn Sense)
Often the weirdest partnerships are the ones the movies don't seem to think are wacky at all. These are the cohorts and conspirators that, in real life, would have no reason to trust each other with a lunch order, let alone their lives.
- Authors
- By Mike Cooney, Dustin Koski
- Published
6 Horrifying Implications of the Harry Potter Universe
We have a feeling that Harry Potter is never going away. Which is fine because we love talking about how pants-crappingly terrifying that whole universe is.
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- By Micah Kolding, Michael Greenbrier
- Published
4 Superhero Reboots We'll See Next
For all the gritty realism in comic book movies these days, they're not exactly realistic ...
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- By Winston Rowntree
- Published
5 Movies That Accidentally Killed Innocent Characters
Occasionally, a movie chooses to kill completely innocent characters in the most horrible way possible for no discernible reason.
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- By Mohammed Shariff
- Published
6 Ridiculous First Drafts of Famous Movie Monsters
It's hard to imagine the Predator or Jabba the Hutt as anything other than the iconic beasts we know and love. But they and others evolved from ideas that at the concept stage were very, very different. And very, very stupid.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
5 Amazing Performances From Actors Who Weren't Acting
If you're ever employed in an Alien film, be on your toes ALL THE TIME.
- Authors
- By Ian White
- Published
6 Insane Sequels That Almost Ruined Classic Movies
Here are six absolutely real and completely insane proposed sequels that were fortunately never made.
- Authors
- By Henrik Laine
- Published
6 Ways The Creator of 'Sharktopus' Invented Modern Cinema
If we told you that the man behind some of the cheapest, crappiest and most ridiculously named movies ever made is also responsible for classics like The Godfather, would you believe us? You totally should.
- Authors
- By Garin Pirnia
- Published