Movies & TV
5 Real People Screwed By 'True-Story' Movies Based On Them
Jennifer Lawrence played the exact opposite of the kind of person her real-life counterpart was.
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- By Orrin R. K., Raoni Lacerda
- Published
21 Fictional 'Good Guys' Who Weren't
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- By AM Smiley
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6 Special Effects Flaws You Never Noticed (And Can't Unsee)
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- By Mark Hill
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20 Bizarre Scenes That Were Left Out Of Famous Movies
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- By AM Smiley
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Movies Of Famous Filmmakers That Are Secretly Autobiographical
George Miller is so meta.
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- By JM McNab
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6 Famous Movies And TV Shows That Don't Mean What You Think
Apparently, we should all start cooking meth.
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- By Tara Marie
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6 F@!*%!-Up Movie And TV Roles Played By Politicians
Are these famous politicians intentionally trying to make us think they're awful actors so that we'll trust them more?
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- By Jason Iannone
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5 Eerie Predictions By TV Shows (That Came True)
Chris Pratt is a modern day Nostradamus ... only for himself, though.
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- By Tara Marie
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5 Unintentionally Hilarious Franchise 'Hip' Reinventions
Nintendo created their own Justice League, which raises the question: Why change the characters kids already love to ... appeal to kids?
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- By Henrik Magnusson
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24 'True Story' Oscar Movies That Ignored The Truth
Come on, 'Braveheart,' get your centuries straight.
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- By AM Smiley
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6 Kids' Movie Fan Theories That'll Blow Your Adult Mind
You thought you knew the worst parts of your favorite films. Well, get ready to get your heart even more broken.
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- By CJ Rigdon
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15 Movie Scenes That Become Amazing At Different Speeds
The magic of VHS tapes lives on.
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- By Cracked Plasticians
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20 Hilarious Dirty Jokes Hidden In Pop Culture
Someone wash Loki's mouth out with some soap. Yikes.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
7 Amazing Movie Effects (That Were Done For Real)
Despite a few craptacular CGI apples, 2015 was actually a huge year for gee-whiz special effects trickery.
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- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
7 Terrifying Places (Where Movies Were Filmed)
Berlin, radioactive San Francisco. Same thing.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears
- Published