33 Useful Words the English Language Needs to Add

While we're able to perfectly communicate with other English speakers, we can still find ourselves at a loss for the perfect word to get our point across.
33 Useful Words the English Language Needs to Add

The English language is a funny thing. While we're able to perfectly communicate with other speakers, we can still find ourselves at a loss for the perfect word to get our point across. Thankfully, our readers have stepped up to the plate to fill in the blanks and we gave moistery cash to the winner.

LIE-CHIATRIST An unqualified PSYCHIATRIC person who diagnoses HELP 5& themselves with a mental illness that they don't actually have, for the sole pur
Gasterval - the period between when a relationship starts and when you first openly fart in front of your partner.
CRAGKED0OT bleakfast  noun the first meal of the day consisting of cold leftovers from the night lbefore
CRACKED COM NASA Purasori 20B0 In:tel-li:duh adj.. 1. stupid actions or words by an otherwise intelligent person.
slocking, V.: a popular online pastime Caps FOR BEING best known Lock CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL
zeitgaffe CRACKED COM A cultural reference that is sufficiently inaccurate or outdated to demonstrate that the maker of the reference is out-of-touch
malam:o:rous GRACKEDO  noun The resistance of a tiresome, one-sided conversation to any change in its state of motion. CRACKED
Re: Obammacare is kiling the nation and is suck!!! and not only that lol but hes going to sell Us out to the french you know its alreddy hapening and
CRACKEDCON obstacolleague noun A cO-worker whose inability to work well (or work at all) forces you to neglect your own duties so you can fix their me
Meeternity GRACKEDCOM noun 1) An uproductive business meeting that feels as if it will never. end. 2) A string of pointless meetings that last all day
Malaproboner (mal'a-probo'nar'l n.- an inappropriate or rinopportune erection of the penis CRACKED.CON
Consterpation  noun 1. a long, painful conversation in which every word is a struggle to get out. 2. an awkward dialogue character
McRibocrite (n.) A person who complains about how disgusting fast food is... but eats it anyway. CRACKEDCON
Camoufanning OFF 60 Turn Past 10 40 80 MINUTES TYERMATIC Turning on a bathroom fan to muffle pooping noises.
POP CORN Interawktion: a moment wherein you and a person you've just recently met share an uncomfortable silence because you've shared something overl
rebel420 CRACKEDa SOAPBOMBING: herpesexplosion think Christopher HitcH an he quoted Richard Dawkins johnis 1337 How can you sit the hen injustices are
cinefalsity (sin-uh-fal-si-tee) noun 1. The spontaneous act of lying to someone about seeing a movie or TV show when you know damn well you haven't. C
Eleventurer noun a master of one upsmanship. the person given to articulating the details of his possessions and his accomplishments deemed to be supe
Moistery /moist(a)ri/ n. inexplicable dampness CRACKEDCON
CRACKEDGOM AN a S D Z (n3- C Keyjam The dirt, grime, and gunk found in between the keys of a keyboard
lactease [lak-teezl verb to place any size container of milk back in a refrigerator with only a half fluid ounce remaining at the bottom lacteased I l
'Viewgling' Intentional search of the internet for plot points and spoilers of movies, So you never again have to hear people gasp when you tell them
Greatsgusting: You knew it was disgusting but you ate it anyway. And it was delicious.
ninjestrians noun, plural people dressed in dark clothing walking alongside unlighted roads at night. CRACKED.COM
Sortamatopoeia- a word for something that doesn't make a sound, but if it did, would sound exactly like that word. Examples: Bling Slink Glisten CRACK


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