How To Be A Terrible Girl/Boyfriend, In 28 Steps

Everyone's about to relive some very embarrassing experiences.
How To Be A Terrible Girl/Boyfriend, In 28 Steps

Ah, love. It makes us feel all warm and mushy in our hearts and in our pants. And it also makes us remember all the super awkward ways we self-sabotaged relationships in our more formative years.

For example ...

After the first date, I 'Liked' every Post she made on Facebook. Every. Single. One. Bonus points if I did it within minutes of her posting it. oe App
INSULTS ARE NOT FLIRTING. 0 just wish someone told me that 15 years ago
I got tired of being in a three-way relationship. I made her choose. She chose him. CRACKEDCOMT
I really want this relationship to work out. I should try and spend every waking moment of every day with her. CRACKED COM
I knew that we weren't compatible in terms of interests and personality since day one, but I was convinced that I could 'fix' her. I ended up being a
CRACKEDOON I really want this person to like me... I better list everything that's great about me!
I don't have much experience at this $O00o 0 guess I can just act like a character from a romantic movie and everything will work out just the same. C
No, you should instigate all public displays of affection CRACKEDCO
How To Be A Terrible Girl/Boyfriend, In 28 Steps
CRACKEDGOr Look, a statue of Abraham Lincoln. Didn't you go to school with him? I dated an older woman and made too many jokes about her age!
Being in love is all about kissing, right? Words just get in the way of a relationship.
He wants to know what I'm attracted to. Better be honest and include the physical traits he doesn't have. CRACKED COM
I used to think being in a relationship would allow me to give up entirely on self-improvement.
He'll think I'm fun if I drink! (2 hours later)
CRACKED c COM IT'S BeeN an Hour siNCE / messaged you. COUC WHO are You CHeATING on me WITH? eue
When we got together, I started acting like she couldn't even cross the street without me there to protect her like some imacho bodyguard. Even though
2nd Dateo think, O LovE You CRACKED COM
FRIENDS? I don't need to have any other friends since I have you. CRACKED.COM
Se 3s gonna be SO mch f! I mean, I learned evverything I now from porn. CRACKED COM
I'm scared I'll say something stupid and embarrass myself... instead of risking it, I'll just sit quietly and be a really boring date. CRACKED COM
I kept telling her she was too good for me and that I didn't deserve her. Guess I ended up convincing her. CRACKED.COM
Argumenis a are Bad for relalionships,so SO we made a promise To never arguie and forced ourselves to agree wilh one another.
CRACKEDCON I'll tell him his brother is cute... in an attempt to indirecthy compliment his own similar looks.
Browsing through your significant other's social networks to get an idea CRACKED.CON of what their interests are is fine, HtO O but pretending to like
You don't like that thing I love? YoU I'll just never engage in that again CRACKED COM
I don't want to hurt his feelings, SO I guess I'll break up with him... MA mMarch Tekruary Family Anniversary ary WCWi vacation neo Snookum's Final va

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