

Law student, Sports Writer.
I've been struck by a car twice while I myself was not in a vehicle. I've heard every "shoulda looked both ways" joke possible.
I have a B.A. in Political Science and a Minor in Theology, which means I can't talk to anyone who happens to be drinking about my areas of expertise while at a bar (go ahead, discuss politics and religion with a drunk... words I'd use to describe the experience are "Pope, Holocaust, Founding Fathers, Conspiracy, Jesus, Buzzkill... it's like the DaVinci code acted out by paranoid, drunken sock puppets).

Also, I used to work at M&M Mars. I, however, am not an "oompa loompa," nor was I a "fudgepacker." I seperated the M's from the W's, which is a tedious and unlovable job.

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