
The Land of Oz

Real Name:
Member Since:
February 04, 2014

About Me

I'm an aspiring writer. I have a dog named Toto, and of course my dog is not an exact replica. He comes with an adorable under bite that the original just could not have sported with any where near the same grace and style as my little boy. Also Kansas is my Oz.

You can find me on Twitter where I don't do much tweeting, I spend more time looking at all of my fellow twits: @KotaYarbrough

I also just started tumbling at Tumblr or whatever it is you do there: kotayarbrough.tumblr.com

Feel free to PM me if you need anything. I'm pretty much always on here whenever I'm not, you know, out having a life with real, non-computer generated people. So, I'm pretty much always on here.

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