

Real Name:
Rod Munch
Member Since:
June 15, 2011

About Me

Despite what it said before, I do not constantly eat, masturbate, or be less awesome than you. I only do those things 1-3 times a day. I don't hunt bears or masturbators either because they're just doing their own thing. Why kill them? I wouldn't stand a chance against either in the heat of what they do best.

Haven't you ever heard of that secret level IRL called "Outside"? I hear it's dangerous for low-level tramps. If you're rich it IS fun and easy, though.

And now a sudden pointless tirade:
I can't stand when rich people (namely celebrities) squander their money on selfish, unworthy causes (not saying they should give it all away or anything but geez.) It irks me that the honest folks who actually keep the world turning get paid shit while entertainers make millions (and yet, still get free stuff if they walk into a business) doing what old Shakespearean actors did for free. They acted.
So next time you pick up a People or Star or Us magazine that has some story about a celebrity having an unfortunate hardship in their life and that you should feel sorry for them as you read the article about their misfortune, remember that all that the celebrity has to do is spend a small portion of their vast, easily-attained wealth to take a four-week vacation to a private island to get pampered, worshiped by fans and remain beautiful so they can forget their petty bullshit until, gasp, paparazzi come to take more pictures of them, gaining them more fame.
"I may have to work 40 hours a week doing grunt work that gets me little, if any credit to make barely a couple hundred dollars, but to hear that a multimillionaire has to deal with an angry spouse or minuscule undesirable settings in their career just makes me so sad that I wish I could make their life better." Oh wait, they're fucking multimillionaires.

Whoever said money can't buy happiness must have bought something really shitty, like maybe a pit of starving lions to jump into, but not before he consumed a glass bottle filled with various delicious infections.

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