

Real Name:
Bret Nabors
Member Since:
March 05, 2011

About Me

I enjoy love making. Preferably with a bank teller I recently saved from a stick up, or an Indian chick(The non-American kind). and the occasional cheese burger.. sometimes at the same time... throw an empty spittoon with a can of Grizzly Wintergreen in the mix and you have my favorite past time. I'm more Honky Tonk than most men, but also have the yuppy sensibilities to not call someone a fag for suggesting sushi for dinner(I'm in it for the Saki).That pretty much wraps me up in a clam shell or that's all I'm willing to reveal to mortals. You decide. By the way if anything I say or post on this site gives you an erection or moisture in your zipper area of your pants, I apologize because my cigar only will fit In one humidor. And it's a very fancy one (I'm talking about a vagina for you non Cubans)

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